Breathe easier with Panasonic's stand-alone air purifier neutralising nasty indoor pollutants*. Scroll down to see our top 7 reasons to use (and love) nanoeX.
Panasonics flagship Premium Reverse Cycle R32 Wall Split System offers the very latest in 24-hour air purification technology. This series features Panasonic’s revolutionary nanoeX to create a fresher and healthier living environment by neutralising harmful indoor pollutants such as allergens, bacteria and odours.
nanoeX purifying technology has even received industry recognition from the National Asthma Council Australia’s community program, Sensitive Choice, as an air purifying solution suitable for those with asthma or allergies. Air purification doesn’t just assist asthma sufferers– the average person breathes in 18kg of air every day, which means everyone can benefit from solutions which deliver a healthier and more comfortable home environment.
The best part? nanoeX continues to purify and deodorise even when the cooling or heating system is not in operation, and with a low energy consumption of 35W/hr for a single unit, you can keep nanoeX mode running continuously. The incorporation of this air purification system is a great value-add, providing you with the ultimate 2-in-1 solution.
*nanoeX air purification available on selected models only.
Active Deodourisation

Penetrating into the deepest parts of fibres, nanoeX eliminates common odours, creating cleaner and fresher living spaces.
Hydrates andMoisturises

nanoeX combines with natural skin oils for a smoother, well-hydrated complexion.
Breakdown Hazardous Substances

nanoeX has the capability to inhibit and break down common hazardous/harmful substances, ensuring that the air you breathe is cleaner and safer.
Inhibits Mould

Common airborne and adhered mould found in living/working spaces is enveloped and inhibited by nanoeX.
Inhibits Bacteria

nanoeX envelops and inhibits the activity of airborne and adhered bacteria and viruses.
Inhibits Pollen

nanoeX is effective in inhibiting a variety of pollens, all year around.
Inhibits Major Allergens

nanoeX inhibits allergens such as pet dander, mite faeces/bodies, and airborne mould, as well as other allergens.
Sourced from: https://blogs.panasonic.com.au/consumer/national-asthma-council-australia-recognizes-panasonic-air-purification/